
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

thoughts & prayers

Today I have been following a lot of news stories about the tornado victims here in Minneapolis and the town of Joplin Mo.
Both are in need of the following items:
Baby supplies (including diapers, wipes, A&D Ointment, baby food and juices)
Convenience food (snack type)
Diabetic Monitors with Strips
First aid supplies
Over the counter medications (mainly tylenol)
Pet food
Shampoo and Conditioner
Soap and body wash
Soap Powders and Cleaning Supplies
Sunscreen and Bug Spray
Toothpaste and Tooth Brushes
They are asking that we refrain from sending clothing.
I'm going to send one package of my own items to them from our family. 
And this is where my couponing becomes not only money saving for my family but allows me to offer items to people in need. So if you have coupon inserts in your garage, recycle bin, or at work I'm asking that you please clip them and start couponing for this cause. If not I will take your coupons that you do not use/ or need and will get the items I can for the families in need.
This was done for the victims in Alabama a week or so back and it had an outstanding amount of items sent off to families in need. 500 boxes have been sent to Alabama families.
Here is where you send your packages or I will put the items in with what I will be sending.
Disaster Relief
c/o Pentecostal Church of God
4901 Pennsylvania Avenue
Joplin, MO 64804
God Bless.


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