Comfort food. Why do they call it that. I notice that every thing that is labeled "comfort food" is usually seam splitting dishes that your grandmother or Paula Dean would make. More butter, more lard, more cheese.. YUMMY gooey cheese! Okay lost me for a second.
For me a comfort food that goes back to when my grandpa Jim was here with us is his Sunday Gravy. I make it here for my family and it's like the best treat in the house. When I make it for my husband and kids I think we all get a little excited about it. But for me it brings back memories. The smell, the process, the memories of my grandpa Jim and I talking about my crush on Elvis, which by the way wasn't the singer Elvis it was a statue that my grandma had of a conquistador. From the time I could walk I would go up to it and kiss this statue and talk to it. I then named it Elvis.
Back to my grandpa. I miss him. Since he passed away I have always imagined him with me. Call me crazy whatever but I often just talk to him. When things were bad for me as a teen I swear to you he was listening to me and holding my hand. Maybe that's why I continue to make this Sunday Gravy goodness! For the memories & so my kids can experience a little bit of my grandpa. I want them to still come home on Sundays and enjoy a good meal with us and talk about the things going on, the good the bad all of it.
It's Famiglia.
back to tasty Tuesday. This is a meal I thought I would share with you to bring your families to the table. It's not my Sunday Gravy recipe which well I just will not share you will have to stop over and have some with us sometime. But it is a Lasagna recipe we do enjoy and consider comfort food because of all the CHEESE! yummy gooey cheese! This is not my lasagna recipe but a recipe that we enjoy.
I hope it brings your loved ones to the table.
This recipe is from the pioneer woman's website Best Ever Lasagna Recipe